Roster Announcement 9-24-24

Announcement by KE6JGM

There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House

Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am

More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.

Announcement by KN6RBP

Time: Wednesday 2-19-25 at 6:30

Meeting Agenda:

  • Presentation by Bob BrehmAK6R
  • New Net’s Activated
  • Winter Field Day Wrap-up
  • Atta-Boy Acknowledgements

Bob Brehm, AK6R

Bob BrehmAK6R is Chief Engineer of Palomar Engineers (, and has been a ham for over 50 years with experience.

Bob Brehm is often asked to speak at conventions and radio club meetings about RFI, antenna matching, using baluns, stealth antennas, amplitude modulation, RTTY/digital modes, ESSB, ham radio on boats, and a variety of other subjects.

He has previously given presentations to our club on RFI and EndFed antennas.
This time he comes in person with what I believe will be partly a new presentation he’s working on, and some information on POTA antennas, baluns. He also will be bringing some handouts. Please be there if you can. It’s going to be a Great Presentation geared to what we have been doing lately. Followed by a Great Q&A. I promised to fill the room so be there or be somewhere else.

Our Board Meeting this month is on Saturday the 22nd.
It will be at the usual location, J&M. 11am. Come at 9am for breakfast prior to the meeting.


  • New Meeting location needed.
  • Winter Field Day wrap up
  • Upcoming Events Dates & Details.
    SOTA Big Bear
  • 2nd Repeater Location
  • New Nets & IRLP net
  • Allocation of Funds

Join Zoom Meeting

We Have 2 New Hams

Testing was last Saturday and we have 2 NEW Hams. William A Yates & Candace Gardner both passed their technician exams. That last name sounds familiar. Very proud of my XYL. Great job Candace, and congratulations to both of you.

LDARC 2025 Election

Our election committee has been busy calling all members to see who is interested in a board or officer position with our club. I am thrilled to say that a few new callsigns have stepped up and put there names in the hat. This is going to be a real election folks!
I would like to thank KN6UNL, KN6PUR & KE6JGM for reaching out to all of you. If you didn’t receive your call from our committee please let Marcos or Myself know and we will get that call out.
The slate will be presented at next Month’s club meeting. Candidates will have an opportunity to address those in attendance. Great thing are happening with our club. Thank you all for what you do, to make this club better and better all the time.

I would like to thank KO6ALP for doing a great job with his APRS workshop after testing last Saturday. Many of you turned up for the workshop. I think everyone left with a better understanding of APRS.
Great job Terry and thank you to everyone who came out for our workshop.

Atta-Boy Terry

Man made or natural disasters of big enough scope can overwhelm our normal lines of communication. Land lines, cell systems and the internet may be gone or unreliable. It may take days or weeks to bring in the infrastructure necessary to restore communications.  This is where ARES can provide vital communications resources for the responders and the public.
Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL® or any other local or national organization, is eligible to apply for membership in ARES

Our hobby is based on the desire to communicate, and the use of technology to do so. Why not put that to good use by serving your community in times of need.
To apply for ARES® membership please go to ARESDV website.

You could make a difference, when it REALLY matters.

Give the gift of your time & communication skill. Become a ARES member today.

This is also a good time to thank our first responders for doing an amazing job protecting life and property. Always remember their professionalism, skill & heart. Thank You Firefighters. And remember to pray for those who have lost there home or a loved one.

Over 25 items in the Raffle!

Yaesu FT-710 AESS

  • 1 Yaesu FT 710 AESS
  • 1 PiStar (Donated by KN6RBP)
  • 1 PiStar (Donated by KN6PUR & KN6RBP)
  • 1 In House Built open stub jpole
  • Quansheng UV-K6 UV-K5(8)
  • Heil Pro Set 6 Headset w/ either Icom or Yaesu adapter.
    & 1 Foot pedal (donated by KE6JGM).
  • Laptop Tent Sun Shade & Water-Resistant Bag.
  • Many more items not listed here.

Tickets are:

  • $ 5.00 = 1 Ticket
  • $20.00 = 5 Tickets
  • $40.00 = 12 Tickets
  • $50.00 = 15 Tickets
  • $75.00 = 21 Tickets
  • $100.00 = 35 Tickets
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