Announcement by KE6JGM
There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House
Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am
More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.
Announcement by KN6RBP
I would like to thank everyone who participated in our Summer Field Day Event last weekend.
We made a lot of contacts, ate great food, and really enjoyed each others company.
Thanks goes out to the City of Hemet for approving the use of the park and restroom accommodations.
Special thanks goes to everyone who helped make it all happen. KN6MJS, KE6JGM, KN6PUR, AI6ZW, KN6UNL, WK3Y, K6CED, KK6QPU and many others deserve our thanks for their outstanding efforts. Be sure and thank them when you get a chance.
Congratulations go to the winners of our field day raffle. KN6PUR, KE6JGM, AI6ZW, WK3Y. The Baofeng’s were one by me, Larry and the one fisherman donated I can’t remember. If anyone knows, that would be great.
Larry and I won the two 5 watt’s donated by KN6ZHW.
Larry won the grand prize. Well deserved, Sir!
I’ll have totals and point scores on the next roster net. I will say that our members really stepped up. We should do well this year in the standings. Great work!
Additionally, it appears that the club is in the green by a little bit, thanks to Raffle and Breakfast participation, as well and member donations. Thank You All!
There will be a recap zoom meeting next Monday night at 7pm. A link will be posted on the website home page, prior to the meeting time.
Photos of the event are posted on the summer field day page.
Fifth Tuesday of the month Wildcard 2,6,12,17,60,160 meters SSB
Anytime after 15min of operations on our 10M Frequency, we will move to a different band.
By request we will QSY to 60M Ch2 5.348 Mhz USB
Wednesday (second, fourth & fifth of each month)
Digital Only Net, C4FM, System Fusion, 7:00 PM (1900) to 8:00 PM (2000)
Digital Only after hours
Fifth Wednesday of the month 6M 50.625 Mhz C4FM
Remember Bands & Modes now has a posted schedule. Details are on our website’s Repeater & Nets Page.
Last but not least! Our first “LDF Breakfast Net” will be this Saturday @ 9am, on the KE6JGM repeater and the Hemet Hang Out. Our Vice President will be net controller for this one. Thank you KN6UNL for the idea and jumping in as Net Control. The theme of this net is food & recipes. Third party traffic is encouraged, so lets get our significant other and family on the air. And let’s get this one off to a great start. Make sure Bob’s repeater is programmed into your radio’s. Those of you who have hot spot’s test your equipment prior to the net.
There’s always a lot going on at the Lee DeForest Amateur Radio Club!
Keep up with what’s happening, by frequently visiting our club website.
You’ll find all club announcements & newsletters, as well as LDARC,
meeting & event information., where the ham is always fresh.