Roster Announcement 3-12-24

Announcement by KE6JGM

There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House

Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am

More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.

Announcement by KN6RBP

I would like to thank everyone who who made there way to Thomas Summit.

It was beautiful up there. Amazingly the weather was perfect. 15 people made it up.
The feedback I have gotten has been really positive. I believe that each and everyone of you who made it up there over the 3 day event, contributed in meaningful ways to it’s success.
Many of you will be acknowledged at next weeks meeting. One person however is really responsible not only for the idea of ham camp and it’s planning. But also played a primary role organizing, communicating, providing food and cooking it like a master chef. As well as live streaming video and tacking photos at the event. Marcos, this happened and was a success, because of you. I personally would have never done this myself, but with the planning you put in and the support of you and this club I really have a Great Time!
I thank you, and this club thanks you too.

Many of you contributed pictures and some video. I had my drone in the air. A short movie will be presented at next weeks monthly meeting.

Because you are special to our family we would like to invite you to breakfast,
next Saturday. Additionally, we are making a little gift for you as well.

Breakfast will be 9AM & J&M restaurant. Your gift may be ready by then but if not we’ll get it to you shortly thereafter. Breakfast and your LDARC Mothers Day Gift is paid for by member donations. We appreciate the special role you play in our “Ham Family” and your ongoing participation in LDARC. Hope to see our LDARC Ham Mothers next Saturday.
Happy Mothers Day!

This years May Fundraiser will be at the Colonial Country Club on May 25th.
Tickets are adults $10.00, children $5.00. Friends and family are also invited.
We’ll be serving from 10am to 11:30.

  • Pancakes (blueberries & chocolate chips available in the side).
  • Bacon and/or Sausage Patty
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Coffee or water.

And it’s all served by Ham… Radio Operators.


The man who defined the sound of live rock ‘n’ roll music and brought audio engineering principals into mainstream amateur radio use, Dr. Bob Heil, K9EID, has passed away at the age of 83. He was an ARRL Life Member and in the ARRL Maxim Society. A Facebook post from Heil Ham Radio paid tribute to their founder: “Bob fought a valiant, yearlong battle with cancer, and passed peacefully surrounded by his family.”

AI6ZW will conduct a moment of silence in Bob Heil’s honor, at this month’s club meeting.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a Heil Mic to the meeting. We will lay them out on a table.

Here is a link to the ARRL article.

10 meter Eagle Net, 8:00 PM (2000) to 9:00 PM (2100), 28.360 Mhz USB
Eagle Net Bands & Modes (subject to change)
Anytime after 15min of operations on our 10M Frequency, we will move to a different band.
Second Tuesday of the month 20M 14.265 USB

Wednesday (second, fourth & fifth of each month)
Digital Only Net, C4FM, System Fusion, 7:00 PM (1900) to 8:00 PM (2000)

Digital Only after hours (subject to change)
The after hours nets are round-table chat with no NC.
Second Wednesday Digital Radio & Pi-Star Exercises on the
KE6JGM repeater & Hemet Hangout YSF 59173 Linked.

And don’t forget our 2nd monthly HF Contest will be next week!

Time: Wednesday 2-19-25 at 6:30

Meeting Agenda:

  • Presentation by Bob BrehmAK6R
  • New Net’s Activated
  • Winter Field Day Wrap-up
  • Atta-Boy Acknowledgements

Bob Brehm, AK6R

Bob BrehmAK6R is Chief Engineer of Palomar Engineers (, and has been a ham for over 50 years with experience.

Bob Brehm is often asked to speak at conventions and radio club meetings about RFI, antenna matching, using baluns, stealth antennas, amplitude modulation, RTTY/digital modes, ESSB, ham radio on boats, and a variety of other subjects.

He has previously given presentations to our club on RFI and EndFed antennas.
This time he comes in person with what I believe will be partly a new presentation he’s working on, and some information on POTA antennas, baluns. He also will be bringing some handouts. Please be there if you can. It’s going to be a Great Presentation geared to what we have been doing lately. Followed by a Great Q&A. I promised to fill the room so be there or be somewhere else.

Our Board Meeting this month is on Saturday the 22nd.
It will be at the usual location, J&M. 11am. Come at 9am for breakfast prior to the meeting.


  • New Meeting location needed.
  • Winter Field Day wrap up
  • Upcoming Events Dates & Details.
    SOTA Big Bear
  • 2nd Repeater Location
  • New Nets & IRLP net
  • Allocation of Funds

Join Zoom Meeting

Open Stub JPole Project

If you are interested in building your own open stub jpole with our group, please reach out to KN6UNL or KN6RBP. Cost is $30.00 and an advance deposit would be appreciated. We are acquiring the material in bulk at a good price and with great quality. Thank you KN6UNL for your hard work putting this all together.

Man made or natural disasters of big enough scope can overwhelm our normal lines of communication. Land lines, cell systems and the internet may be gone or unreliable. It may take days or weeks to bring in the infrastructure necessary to restore communications.  This is where ARES can provide vital communications resources for the responders and the public.
Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL® or any other local or national organization, is eligible to apply for membership in ARES

Our hobby is based on the desire to communicate, and the use of technology to do so. Why not put that to good use by serving your community in times of need.
To apply for ARES® membership please go to ARESDV website.

You could make a difference, when it REALLY matters.

Give the gift of your time & communication skill. Become a ARES member today.

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