Announcement by KE6JGM
There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House
Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am
More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.
Announcement by KN6RBP
Bands & Modes this week
10 meter Eagle Net, 8:00 PM (2000) to 9:00 PM (2100), 28.360 Mhz USB
Eagle Net Bands & Modes (subject to change)
Anytime after 15min of operations on our 10M Frequency, we will move to a different band.
First Tuesday of the month 10M 29.635 Mhz FM or 6M 52.515 Mhz FM
Wednesday (first of each month)
KE6JGM repeater & Hemet Hangout YSF 59073 Linked
Digital Only Net, C4FM, System Fusion, 7:00 PM (1900) to 8:00 PM (2000)
Digital Only after hours (subject to change)
The after hours nets are round-table chat with no NC.
First Wednesday of the month C4FM Ch1 144.950
LDARC Club Meeting
Is next Wednesday at our usual location. The Colonial Country Club. 6:30 PM
- We will be reading the amended LDARC Constitution
- Demoing a home brew JPole that can be built for about $25-35
LDARC Membership is due January of each year. If you haven’t paid your dues now is the time. If you would like to become a member you can download the application on our website. Membership must be mailed in or handed to our treasurer.
Click Here For our Membership form.
We also accept ARRL memberships and renewals all year long.
When you pay via our club we get a commission. It’s a great way to support ARRL as well as LDARC.
ARRL Affiliated Club Commission Program
Why subscribe or renew with our club?
- The ARRL Affiliated Club Commission Program allows ARRL Affiliated Clubs to earn a commission on new and renewing regular memberships.
- Each new ARRL member earns the club a $15.00 commission. New members are defined as never having been a member or a returning member that has not been a member for two years. Each renewal now earns the club a $5.00 commission. There is no limit to the amount a club can earn in this program.
Your membership supports ARRL’s work to promote and protect amateur radio and provides you with benefits to do more with your amateur radio license.
By renewing or better yet subscribing through our club you not only benefit ARRL, they will return a commission to us.
ARRL fights for our right to use ham radio and with all the bands we enjoy. From field day to learning antenna design, they provide the resources you need.
ARRL membership is a great way to support your operating privileges at every level from Washington to Hemet. Get the most from your callsign by supporting ARRL and of course the Le DeForest amateur radio club.
Man made or natural disasters of big enough scope can overwhelm our normal lines of communication. Land lines, cell systems and the internet may be gone or unreliable. It may take days or weeks to bring in the infrastructure necessary to restore communications. This is where ARES can provide vital communications resources for the responders and the public.
Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL® or any other local or national organization, is eligible to apply for membership in ARES.
Our hobby is based on the desire to communicate, and the use of technology to do so. Why not put that to good use by serving your community in times of need.
To apply for ARES® membership please go to ARESDV website.
You could make a difference, when it REALLY matters.
Give the gift of your time & communication skill. Become a ARES member today.