Roster Announcement 2-25-25

Announcement by KE6JGM

There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House

Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am

More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.

Announcement by KN6RBP

New Meeting location

We have a new location for our monthly meetings. I believe it will suit our needs quite nicely.
The new location is, Memorial Funeral Services, 1111 S State St. It is on the same corner with J&M restaurant. The chapel seats 65 and has AV support. On behalf of our little club, I would like to express my gratitude to Ed Bush Director & Owner. And it is Diana, KN6FGI who set up today’s meeting with Ed. Thank you Diana and Ed for coming thru in our hour of need.
Diana 2 Atta-Boy’s for you 1 will not do.

So same time 6:30PM and a NEW location 1111S State St. Right off of Stetson sharing the same lot with J&M

Our Board Meetings are staying at J&M along with weekend breakfast. Our May Breakfast fundraiser will be at it’s usual location, The Colonial Country Club. And thank you Steve and the Colonial Country Club for hosting our monthly meetings for over 2 years now.

More net updates

  • First week 10 meters 28.360mhz
  • 2nd week 75 meters 3.900mhz
  • 3rd and 4th week is 40 meters 7.238mhz. 
  • 5th week is for something different. SSB 6,12,17 meters.

It is our hope that our new frequencies will allow us to hear each other better as well as make out of area contacts more regularly. Unfortunately, these new frequencies do require a General Class license or better. For this reason, we are keeping it on 10 meters the first Tuesday of each month.

Digital Only after hours (subject to change)
The after hours nets are round-table chat with no NC.

Simplex C4FM

  • First week LTAC1 2M 147.405 Mhz
  • Second week JS8Call 40M @LDARC
  • Third week no net
  • Fourth week LTAC4 70CM 446.150 FM

New Saturday Night Net 75 Meters 3.900 Mhz Saturday Night

This new net is a Roundtable Net and starts at 6:30PM till whenever.
75 Meters EVERY Sunday night.

New Simplex Net on Sunday Night!

We have a new simplex net on Sunday right after out SwapNet.
The net begins on this repeater at 7:30 on LDARC repeater in FM.

Man made or natural disasters of big enough scope can overwhelm our normal lines of communication. Land lines, cell systems and the internet may be gone or unreliable. It may take days or weeks to bring in the infrastructure necessary to restore communications.  This is where ARES can provide vital communications resources for the responders and the public.
Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL® or any other local or national organization, is eligible to apply for membership in ARES

Our hobby is based on the desire to communicate, and the use of technology to do so. Why not put that to good use by serving your community in times of need.
To apply for ARES® membership please go to ARESDV website.

You could make a difference, when it REALLY matters.

Give the gift of your time & communication skill. Become a ARES member today.

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