Roster Announcement 11-5-24

Announcement by KE6JGM

There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House

Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am

More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.

Announcement by KN6RBP

November’s after testing workshop will be, HF antenna testing & manual antenna tuning with nano VNA. Learn how to use nano VNA and why every Ham should have and use one.

Anyone who is unable to attend the workshop can set up a one on one with me when time permits.

This event will be this Saturday November 9th.

Come join us at Lake Perris State Park for our first POTA event.

  • Private picnic area reserved.
  • Activate and setup your station anywhere in the park.
  • Or operate from our area at the beach.
  • Hamburgers & hotdogs cooked on site at our picnic area (ticket are $5).
  • We’ll use Tac frequencies to branch our and stay in touch.
  • T Shirts are available with the logo you see above.

The park opens at 06:00. I will arrive 07:00 – 07:30 to set up our reserved beach base station and Member Gathering area. We will be packing up after 15:00. Food will be served around 11:00. Tickets are $5. One ticket buys either 1 Hamburger or 2 Hot Dogs. I’ll be getting 2 tickets so I can have 1 Hamburger and 2 Hot Dogs. Water and my diluted Gater Aid mix will be available to all for free.

We will use 2 meter simplex 147.450mhz pl 100. Also 70cm 432.690mhz pl 100 as well.
Reach out to KN6UNL for a group chat that we will use that day.

We will have a station set up at the beach location. Most stations will be spreading out around the park. Remember to have your radios set with our simplex frequency’s with the pl tones.

Be sure to let Karen know, tonight if possible How many food tickets you will need on Saturday. If you don’t reserve your tickets by Wednesday we can’t guarantee food will be available for you.

If you can’t join us on Saturday remember, you may be able to make contact as a hunter, either on our simplex frequency’s or on HF. Remember to set up your POTA account at on your web browser, and activate the the park prior to the day of.

I was not able to scout potential repeater location as mentioned on last weeks announcement.
I’ll announce a new date when we have it set up.

Your Vote matters. Not just today, but also in a couple weeks at our club meeting.
Hopefully you have considered our great slate for director this year. We are lucky to have so many great choices. At least 51% of active membership for our vote. Please attend our next and last club meeting for the year. I hope to see you all on November 20th at the colonial country club.

There’s always a lot going on at the Lee DeForest Amateur Radio Club!
Keep up with what’s happening, by frequently visiting our club website.
You’ll find all club announcements & newsletters, as well as LDARC,
meeting & event information., where the ham is always fresh.

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