Announcement by KE6JGM
There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House
Saturday January 18th @ 8am
More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.
Announcement by KN6RBP
Two testers passed there technician test last weekend. Congratulations!
Hope to hear you on the air soon.
Thank You VE’s & VEC’s
for volunteering your time.
Eagle Net QSY for this week:
Third Tuesday of the month 15M 21.37 Mhz
Tomorrow’s Digital Only Net is on our club repeater this week.
Net Control will be KN6MJS. That’s right, AI6ZW did some weird Jedi mind thing with Karen and now she does net control for the Digital Only Net on the fourth week of every month.
Let’s show her some support, tomorrow night on the digital only net.
She’ll be fun to watch, I promise.
Digital Only after hours for this week is:
Fourth Wednesday of the month 70cm 439.000Mhz C4FM
Christmas Parade of Hemet
December 2nd 5P @ Westin Park
We will once again have a great setup location. Last year we had a lot of visitors, Young and old. Let’s put our best foot forward and show some new people what Ham is all about.
Please try to pop by for a visit. Or better yet volunteer for setup/teardown help is needed.
Good ham, good food and of course, Santa will also be there!
I hope many of you will be there too.
Enter and win one of 2 Baofeng HT’s w/accessories.
One last thing
At last weeks meeting and while a member was addressing the group, voices were raised. The parties involved are long time valued members of this club. Words were used. And a member abruptly left the meeting. Subsequently, several members have expressed there concern.
As ham radio operators we learn the importance of communication skills and good practices. By listening to, and taking the advise of other hams, along with practice, we get better than we ever thought we could be. Mistakes and advise are synonymous with ham radio.
Respect and decorum are paramount to keeping our club welcoming, fun & growing. Like all family’s, stuff happens. Tensions and frustration will build from time to time.
So lets think twice and treat each other with respect and patients.
Happy Thanksgiving, 73.