Roster Announcement 1-30-24

Announcement by KE6JGM

There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House

Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am

More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.

Announcement by KN6RBP

I would like to thank everyone who came out to McSweeney Park for Winter Field Day.

The weather was great and the feedback has been mostly very good. A special thanks to those of you who came early to help with setup and teardown as well as operations.

KN6UNL provided his 710 and a really great 20M whip antenna that performed quite well.
KO6ALP brought his portable log periodic and we heard 2 different satellites one was the ISS.

And last but not least Congratulations to AI6ZW & KM6JWS for tying for first place in our first but not last chili cook off. KN6UNL & KN6MJS were second and third place. There were 8 entries and they were all really good. Thank You all for your delicious entries.

This really was a perfect day at the park. Once again thank you to everyone who came out.

Photos of the event are on the website home page.

Bands & Modes

10 meter Eagle Net, 8:00 PM (2000) to 9:00 PM (2100), 28.360 Mhz USB
Anytime after 15min of operations on our 10M Frequency, we will move to a different band.
Fifth Tuesday of the month (if there is one) Wildcard 2,6,12,17,60,160 meters SSB

Wednesday (second, fourth & fifth of each month)
Digital Only Net, C4FM, System Fusion, 7:00 PM (1900) to 8:00 PM (2000)

Digital Only after hours (subject to change)
The after hours nets are round-table chat with no NC.
Fifth Wednesday of the month (if there is one) 6M 50.625 Mhz C4FM
or whatever the group decides during the digital only net.

LDARC Membership is due January of each year. If you haven’t paid your dues now is the time. If you would like to become a member you can download the application on our website. Membership must be mailed in or handed to our treasurer.
Click Here For our Membership form.
We also accept ARRL memberships and renewals all year long.
When you pay via our club we get a commission. It’s a great way to support ARRL as well as LDARC.

ARRL Affiliated Club Commission Program

Why subscribe or renew with our club?

  • The ARRL Affiliated Club Commission Program allows ARRL Affiliated Clubs to earn a commission on new and renewing regular memberships.
  • Each new ARRL member earns the club a $15.00 commission. New members are defined as never having been a member or a returning member that has not been a member for two years. Each renewal now earns the club a $5.00 commission. There is no limit to the amount a club can earn in this program.

Your membership supports ARRL’s work to promote and protect amateur radio and provides you with benefits to do more with your amateur radio license.

By renewing or better yet subscribing through our club you not only benefit ARRL, they will return a commission to us.

ARRL fights for our right to use ham radio and with all the bands we enjoy. From field day to learning antenna design, they provide the resources you need.
ARRL membership is a great way to support your operating privileges at every level from Washington to Hemet. Get the most from your callsign by supporting ARRL and of course the Le DeForest amateur radio club.

Use this link to print out the subscription form and turn it in at our next meeting with your payment.

There’s always a lot going on at the Lee DeForest Amateur Radio Club!
Keep up with what’s happening, by frequently visiting our club website.
You’ll find all club announcements & newsletters, as well as LDARC,
meeting & event information., where the ham is always fresh.

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One Response to Roster Announcement 1-30-24

  1. Terry says:

    This is just way too cool.
    Build your own cube sat fully working replica. Looks real similar to a raspberry Pi. I want one.

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