Been using a Cushcraft R5 as my primary HF antenna. AI6ZW is loaning it to me(thank you Steve). It does 10,12,15,17 & 20 meters. Very effective on FT8.
It worked ok but our primary network switch is just on the other side of the exterior wall where it is.
The pole doesn’t even go all the way to the ground.
I used 3 pipe brackets strapped to 2 2×6 sandwiched to shim out just past the shingle edge.
Then at the bottom of the pipe I used the rest of the 2×6 at a 45 degree angle and wedged to the house foundation base and the ground.
The bottom of the pipe about 4′ off the ground. Just high enough to allow the bottom counterpoise to clear the roof pitch where it is.
Prep and Building.
KN6SOG Made the pole mount tilt bracket. 15 Bags of concrete.
Now that I can lay it down and get to it I’ll be tuning it. Stay tuned… Get it?