Looking for someone to help? These folks can provide a wealth of information. Most everyone in the club has an ‘area of expertise’, or at least a good working knowledge in some area. Our club has a wealth of knowledge
For help with:
- Radio Programming: Bob Brown KE6JGM, Rick Gardner KN6RBP
- Digital, Pi-Star: Rick Gardner KN6RBP, Bob Brown KE6JGM
- Digital, FT8, GMRS, DMR etc.: Rick Gardner KN6RBP
- Antennas: Rick Gardner KN6RBP, Marcos Montes KN6UNL, Terry Smith KO6ALP
- License Testing: Bob Brown KE6JGM
- Solar Activity: Larry Watson KN6PUR
- Satellite communications: Terry Smith KO6ALP
- Emergency Communicatio: Gary Marsalone KK6VZZ
- Older Radios and other equipment: Steve Wolfe AI6ZW
- Club Operation and past practices, field day logging (Dupe Sheets) Rod McHenry N6CG
There are more, however this will get you started. Have a question? Just ask and you will be pointed in the right direction.