
Time: Wednesday 2-19-25 at 6:30

Meeting Agenda:

  • Presentation by Bob BrehmAK6R
  • New Net’s Activated
  • Winter Field Day Wrap-up
  • Atta-Boy Acknowledgements

Bob Brehm, AK6R

Bob BrehmAK6R is Chief Engineer of Palomar Engineers (, and has been a ham for over 50 years with experience.

Bob Brehm is often asked to speak at conventions and radio club meetings about RFI, antenna matching, using baluns, stealth antennas, amplitude modulation, RTTY/digital modes, ESSB, ham radio on boats, and a variety of other subjects.

He has previously given presentations to our club on RFI and EndFed antennas.
This time he comes in person with what I believe will be partly a new presentation he’s working on, and some information on POTA antennas, baluns. He also will be bringing some handouts. Please be there if you can. It’s going to be a Great Presentation geared to what we have been doing lately. Followed by a Great Q&A. I promised to fill the room so be there or be somewhere else.

Our Board Meeting this month is on Saturday the 22nd.
It will be at the usual location, J&M. 11am. Come at 9am for breakfast prior to the meeting.


  • Winter Field Day wrap up
  • SOTA Big Bear
  • Upcoming Events Dates & Details.
  • 2nd Repeater Location
  • New Nets & IRLP net
  • Allocation of Funds

Club Meetings take place on the third Wednesday of each month.
Directions: Turn into the main entrance from Kirby, head straight up to the club house; find parking to the right or left of the club house; proceed through the large entry double-doors; make a right and walk forward to the Library on the right.
Colonial Golf & Country Club
Meeting starts at 6:30PM generally runs till 8PM.
601 N Kirby St, Hemet, California 92545, United States

Our Monthly Board Meetings are at a new time and place!

Board meetings are now on Saturday @ J&M after our monthly weekend breakfast the fourth Saturday of most months. Meeting will begin at 11am. Due to summer and winter field day, January and June our board meeting will be the previous week also at 11am.

This months board meeting will be on April 27th at J&M 11am.

Tuesdays at 7:30 am
9 am on the Fourth Saturday of the month.
J&M Family Restaurant
1271 S State St, Hemet, CA 92543