Tonight for our B&M, Eagle Net QSY, we go to 10M FM 29.635mhz.
Remember, we always start on 10 meters at 28.360mhz USB. Once the assembled group is ready to QSY that’s when we’ll move to 29.635mhz FM. This usually happens between 20:15 & 20:30 hours.
Tomorrow for Digital only after hours we QSY to 70cm simplex 439.000Mhz FM DCS 026 (not digital). This is also the frequency that we’ll be using on the flower trail, so it’s a good time to practice programming your radio with a DCS code. Hope to hear you on FM after our digital only net. This is also a good opportunity for hams that don’t do C4FM to join us as well. Hope to hear you after our Digital Only Net at 8PM on 70cm @ 439.000 DCS 026 simplex.
Remember Bands & Modes now has a posted schedule. Details are on our website’s Repeater & Nets Page.