Roster Announcement 1-28-25

Announcement by KE6JGM

There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House

Saturday March 15th 2025 @ 8am

More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.

Announcement by KN6RBP

I would like to thank everyone who came out for our Winter Field Day event last Saturday.
Some great stations were set up and it was well attended by members and some guests.
We took a crack at the official winter field day exercise. If you haven’t turned in your contacts please do so ASAP.

I’ll be counting the contacts and will have results in the next week or two. Pictures from the event will be posted on the website in the next few days.
The weather held just long enough and it was a great day.

LDARC February Monthly Club Meeting

As always this months meeting will be at the Colonial Country Club

Time: Wednesday 2-19-25 at 6:30

Meeting Agenda:

  • Presentation by Bob BrehmAK6R
  • New Net’s Activated
  • Winter Field Day Wrap-up

Bob Brehm, AK6R

Bob BrehmAK6R is Chief Engineer of Palomar Engineers (, and has been a ham for over 50 years with experience.

Bob Brehm is often asked to speak at conventions and radio club meetings about RFI, antenna matching, using baluns, stealth antennas, amplitude modulation, RTTY/digital modes, ESSB, ham radio on boats, and a variety of other subjects.

He has previously given presentations to our club on RFI and EndFed antennas.
This time he comes in person with what I believe will be partly a new presentation he’s working on, and some information on POTA antennas, baluns. He also will be bringing some handouts. Please be there if you can. It’s going to be a Great Presentation geared to what what we have been doing lately. Followed by a Great Q&A. I promised to fill the room so be there or be somewhere else.

The Eagle Net has a new schedule!

First week 10 meters 28.360mhz, 2nd week 75 meters 3.884mhz, 3rd and 4th week is 40 meters 7.238mhz. It is our hope that our new frequencies will allow us to hear each other better as well as make out of area contacts more regularly. Unfortunately these new frequencies do require a General Class license or better. For this reason, we are keeping it on 10 meters the first Tuesday of each month.

New Simplex Net on Sunday Night!

We also have a new simplex net every Sunday right after out SwapNet.
The net begins on this repeater right around 7:15. Net control will provide frequency information. Then we return to the club repeater for the next frequency.
Thank you KO6ALP for being primary net control for this new net. And for putting this net forward as an idea to the club. Thank You Terry for the great job you’re doing on our newest Net.

Simplex Frequencies updated!

Primary Simplex Event frequency’s 

  • 2M 146.520 Mhz 2M Calling
  • 2M 147.405 Mhz C4FM & FM LTAC1
  • 2M 146.415 Mhz C4FM & FM LTAC2
  • 1.25M 223.500 Mhz 1.25M Calling
  • 1.25M 223.450 Mhz FM LTAC6
  • 70CM 446.000 FM 70CM Calling
  • 70CM 445.950 FM C4FM & FM LTAC3
  • 70CM 446.150 FM C4FM & FM LTAC4
  • 10M 29.600 Mhz 10M FM Calling
  • 10M 29.630 Mhz C4FM & FM LTAC5
  • 2M 144.281 Mhz USB
  • 6M 50.625 Mhz C4FM
  • 6M 51.025 Mhz USB
  • 6M 52.515 Mhz FM
  • 40M 7.238 Mhz LSB
  • 12M 24.976 Mhz USB
  • 15M 21.37 Mhz USB
  • 17M 18.125 Mhz USB
  • 20M 14.265 Mhz USB
  • 60M Ch2 USB
  • 75M 3.884 Mhz LSB
  • 160M 1.930 Mhz LSB
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