Roster Announcement 7-30-24

Announcement by KE6JGM

There Will Be Testing At Rick’s House

Saturday November 16th @ 8am

More info on our Local Licensing Exams Page.

Announcement by KN6RBP

Our Perris Lake POTA event is back on the LDARC calendar.
The new date is November 9th 2024.
And keeping true to the logo we made the BBQ is back on as well.

  • This new date promises to be cooler.
  • The gate admission is only $10.00 that time of year.
  • The park will be much less crowded, making the BBQ possible.

With regard to the rescheduling of our Lake Perris POTA event, and looking at events going forward, is our new Event Evaluation Committee headed by KE6JGM. Hopefully we can avoid these planning missteps in the future. Thank you for your patience. Marcos & I hope to see you at Lake Perris in November.

A long overdue overhaul has been made to our repeaters and nets page.

Our LDF Breakfast net is now at 10AM on Saturday. With this new time it will be less likely to be canceled due to other club events. It’s also now on the club repeater in C4FM as well as the KE6JGM repeater and the Hemet Hangout Reflector.

The LDARC Swap Net is back on the KE6JGM repeater and the Hemet Hangout Reflector.
As well as the club repeater. The time is still 7pm Sunday Night.

Changes have been made to our simplex frequency’s. We use these frequencies on our Tuesday & Wednesday Nets as well as our events. There are 2 2m, 2 70cm, 1 10m Tac Frequencies and the DSC & PL tones have been removed. Please update your radios with these updated frequencies. Our Club Repeater is now WiresX and is linked to our other local WiresX repeater and our local reflector during our digital nets. That means that all our digital nets are available via local 2M & 70cm repeaters and all around the world with WiresX repeaters WiresX 01966, or with C4FM or DMR and personal hotspot, YSF 59073 and XLX618 module H.

Bands & Modes is getting a overhaul! In a effort to make our Eagle net and our Digital Only After Hours Net more engaging and interesting, we are making them free-form. Tonight on the Eagle Net our group attending the net will decide which Band & Mode, (generally from the simplex frequencies list) we will go to. This way people with a interest in a particular band or mode can make there case to the group. One thing that isn’t changing is our HF contest. That will continue to happen on the third Tuesday of each month.

Likewise with the sparsely convened Digital Only After Hours, hams with a interest in testing new bands and modes may find this is the best time to do it. While this net has always has been the maybe it happens and maybe it doesn’t net, it is a good time to test digital equipment or rag-chew. It’s also a good time to test the 220 band. Lately we have enjoyed using WA6SPY’s 220 repeater.

The question is. What band and mode will we go to tonight?

Bands & Modes used by club

Primary Simplex Event frequency’s

  • 2M 147.450 Mhz C4FM & FM LTAC1
  • 2M 144.950 Mhz C4FM & FM LTAC2
  • 70CM 439.00 FM C4FM & FM LTAC3
  • 70CM 432.690 FM C4FM & FM LTAC4
  • 10M 29.635 Mhz C4FM & FM LTAC5
  • 2M 144.281 Mhz USB
  • 6M 50.625 Mhz C4FM
  • 6M 51.025 Mhz USB
  • 6M 52.515 Mhz FM
  • 40M 7.238 Mhz LSB
  • 12M 24.976 Mhz USB
  • 15M 21.37 Mhz USB
  • 17M 18.125 Mhz USB
  • 20M 14.265 Mhz USB
  • 60M Ch2 USB
  • 75M 3.884 Mhz LSB
  • 160M 1.930 Mhz LSB

LDARC Breakfast Fundraiser Planning Meeting

Mon, August 12, 7pm – 8pm

Where (map)

Rick Gardner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 968 2284 0772 Passcode: 793075

We need volunteers for our Oct 26th Breakfast Fundraiser. If you can volunteer please try to attend the meeting this coming Monday, on zoom at 7pm.

There’s always a lot going on at the Lee DeForest Amateur Radio Club!
Keep up with what’s happening, by frequently visiting our club website.
You’ll find all club announcements & newsletters, as well as LDARC,
meeting & event information., where the ham is always fresh.

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